Having been a DJ/Producer & Promoter for many years I found immense pleasure in inspiring others by sharing my music. Along the way, I have built a strong community around me who, in turn, inspire me on to bigger and better things in life. This website is another step in the journey and I thank you for taking time to visit me here.

Take a look around, make yourself at home and get involved with any of the feel-good events we have to look forward to as a collective.

As of December 2023 I am now a Certified E-Colour Practitioner, meaning I will be available to help those interested in beginning their own journey of self-discovery, learning to live with intention and start removing conflict in their work & personal relationships.

Thank you for checking out the site, remember to join the Mailing List and reach out if you have any questions or, if you’ve not done so yet, get the ball rolling by taking your E-Colours now.


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